Disclaimer - Askseotools.com

Last updated effective June 2023

AskSEOTools is in no way, shape, or form responsible for the content, materials, or information is accurate or complete. Upon using the website, you agree that AskSEOTools is never responsible for any expense, damage, or claims, and you are using the website as-is. AskSEOTools is never liable for any indirect or direct issues that stem from using the website, be it business interruption, loss of profits, or anything similar.

As long as the website and the information and services are provided free of charge, AskSEOTools is never responsible for any damage caused by the information or content we provide. If you use it, you automatically become liable for it.

As a result, we are not able to guarantee that the information presented here is valid and up to date. While we always strive to deliver professional, up-to-date information, we never provide any kind of warranty that the content is indeed accurate or up to date.

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AskSEOTools is never responsible for tracking any transactions between you and third parties, so whenever you leave our website to a third party, you are completely liable for that experience. We always encourage users to rely on their expertise and knowledge before initiating or accepting any type of transaction.

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