Terms of Use - Askseotools.com

Last updated effective June 2023

These terms and conditions may be modified at any time.

Welcome to AskSEOTools!

The following page describes the terms and conditions referring to the use of AskSEOTools. If you use AskSEOTools, you automatically agree to each of the clauses described on this page and understand that they legally bind you. You must not use this website if you do not agree with the terms and conditions described on this page.


Like most websites on the internet, AskSEOTools uses cookies to store information regarding what pages users tend to visit with frequency. This way, we can improve our user experience and continue providing a high-quality service to our user base. Some cookies are necessary to enable certain functions of our website. We utilize first and third-party cookies. You can delete all cookies stored by clearing your history in your browser settings on any device you may have used to visit this website.


All the material available on this website is under the ownership of AskSEOTools unless otherwise specified. Users can take advantage of this website under the restrictions set in these terms and conditions. Therefore, you cannot repost, sell, rent, duplicate, reproduce or redistribute any of the content published on this website.


People who visit www.askseotools.com are not allowed to create frames or similar works that may modify the visual aspect of this website. If you wish to do so, you must contact us and request our approval via email.

Content Liability

We are not responsible for the content published on third-party websites. On the other hand, we may include or remove content from external websites. If you access any of these third-party links, it will be at your own risk.

Guest Posting

We are happy to accept guest posts whenever possible. However, the prices are subject to change within 30 days upon request of the deal. We will not delete the guest post even if the published content is not “successful” after publication. Clients will be charged an extra fee for any modification regarding the guest post, such as the anchor text or perhaps any part of the body text.

Removal of links from our website

If you find any of the links published on AskSEOTools to be insensitive for any particular reason, please inform us. While we may review and consider the removal of the link, keep in mind that we have no obligation to respond to your request or even remove the link at all.

Reservation of Rights

We reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. We can also request you remove any links to our website that content published on your website may have. You agree to eliminate such links from your site as per our request. If you have links to our site, you agree and are bound to the terms and conditions described on this page.

All prices are subject to change, and we reserve the right to do so without notice. The only prices that will not be subject to change will be those assigned or already agreed upon for existing orders. However, new orders will be bound to price changes immediately after being announced.

Variation of Terms

As mentioned, AskSEOTools.Com and its team may revise the terms and conditions at convenience. If you continue to navigate this website, you agree to periodically check for any changes pertinent to these terms and conditions. You will be able to find the latest modification date of these terms and conditions on this same page at all times, whenever you visit it.

Complaints and Retractions

If you find any material that could be insensitive, offensive, or of any concern, do not hesitate to contact us. You can get in touch with us via our contact page at any time. While we try to answer each inquiry as soon as possible, keep in mind that we respond on a case-by-case basis.

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